
February 14, 2012

Natural Play Area & Children’s Forest

We are pleased to share that our efforts have helped to inspire new initiatives in two MetroParks. Osborn MetroPark, part of Erie MetroParks, recently opened a Children’s […]
February 9, 2012

Columbus Audubon’s Eco Weekend

Celebrating 40 Years of Eco-Weekend Nature FUN–Columbus Audubon’s Annual Outdoor Adventure. Eco Weekend, May 4-6, 2012. For more information visit: www.ecoweekend.org
February 6, 2012

Welcome New Member: Nicole Haas!

Nicole Haas TogetherGreen Youth Intern/ Student haas.243@buckeyemail.osu.edu I am a student at The Ohio State University and an intern at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service […]
January 3, 2012

Welcome new member: Nancy Gregory

Nancy Gregor Environmental Educator, nrgregory@dawesarb.org, 740-323-2355 www.dawesarb.org  As an integral member of the education dept. at The Dawes Arboretum I believe in offering many opportunities for […]