Leave No Child Inside Summit ’08 Notes: Nature Preschools
November 12, 2008Leave No Child Inside Summit ’08 Notes: Nurturing Human Relationships with Natural Places
November 12, 2008Creative Funding for Nature Centers and Parks
Loraine McCosker, Raccoon Creek Partnership Waterloo Aquatic Education Center
Marci Ryan, Camp Mary Orton
Amy Walter, Teacher
Chloe Baumann, New Albany High School
Ann Grasso, USDA Forest Service – Wayne National Forest
Essences/Main ideas:
Brainstorm how to be creative for funding
Use Hocking College Interpretive Student Resources
Grant Funding
Use of Volunteers – grant writing workshop
School groups – $2.00/hr
Use a survey of nature centers in the state
Next steps for this group:
Did not discuss
Recommendations for Steering Committee:
Resources for funding for incentives
In and out of schools!