Leave No Child Inside Summit ’08 Notes: Puppets
October 15, 2008Must-read article – new study backs up LNCI principles
October 18, 2008Coming Soon to a Vacant Lot Near You: A Pile of Dirt. A Barrel of Water. A Bunch of Sticks.
(For those who didn’t attend, our keynote speaker, Ken Finch, told a story of passing a playground before, during and after renovation. Before and after, a handful of kids occasionally played on the playground structures. During the renovation, when there was a big pile of dirt, dozens of kids played for hours each day, riding bikes over the mound, digging in the dirt, etc.)
Kezia Sproat
Judith Levicoff
Sharon Tinianow
Diane Cantrell
Mike Musser
Sue Alexander
Essences/Main Ideas:
Mount Vernon Area District Improvement Association
Godman Guild
Mount Vernon and 20th – vacant lot, NE corner
Aug. 17, 2500 people at King Arts Complex – Sue Alexander
Project Love 43203 Free immunization clinics
Sawyer Recreation
St. Dominic’s Church
Neighborhood House
City will lease vacant lots for $1/yr for community gardens. Conservatory owns this?
Acheson West – Freeway
Cot’s Crew
Does city have lots? Where? Empty – Rich Street
Vacant land at COSI
School land labs
Identify barriers
Dirt Pile Kickoff
Next steps for this group:
Meeting at COSI/Safety
Recommendations to the Steering Committee:
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