Leave No Child Inside Summit ’08 Notes: Starting an LNCI in Northwest Ohio
October 30, 2008Read this and comment, please
October 31, 2008Hello everyone! As promised on your summit program, we will have a meeting Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. The purpose of this meeting will be to get together again, reconnect, and to brainstorm about the future of the Collaborative. Where should we go from here? Should we remain a loose network, or become more formal? Should we choose a single project to focus on in the coming year?
We had a Plan A, B and C for meeting space, but none of them are going to work out.
Do any of you have a physical building that can hold a gathering of 40 or so? Would you be willing to donate your space?
Please email Alice Hohl or Jenny Morgan if you can! We’d like to get the meeting planning going so we can announce the location.
Meanwhile, mark your calendars for the date and time!