Learn Your Cbus Event now May 20th
August 10, 2017SAVE-THE-DATE for a Woodland & Wildlife Educator Workshop!
The OSU Mansfield campus is situated on over 600 acres of woodlands with unique features such as wetlands and a diversity of plants and animals. We’d like to introduce you to this amazing resource during a workshop for educators. Our goal is to provide information and activities (to use inside and outside of the classroom) that will help you to educate youth about Ohio’s natural resources!
From feedback we received for a recent survey (thanks to all who took the survey!!), the workshop will focus on utilizing the amazing Project Learning Tree guides to explore:
Ø The status of Ohio’s forests
Ø Wetlands and amphibians
Ø Climate and its impact on forests and wildlife
Ø The impacts of invasive species
Attendees will receive the Project Learning Tree Pre K – 8th grade Activity Guide, an additional activity guide for high school students, and access to the NEW Project Learning Tree E-Units (web-based curriculum guides)!!
Price for this workshop: $60/person
Look for registration information in early June! If you are unable to attend this workshop but are interested in future workshops, email Marne Titchenell at titchenell.4@osu.edu. Overnight accommodations will be available for a small fee.
The workshop is a partnership between The Ohio State University Extension, ODNR Divisions of Wildlife and Forestry, and the Environmental Education Council of Ohio.