Welcome New Member: City of Reynoldsburg Parks and Recreation Department
October 10, 2012Get 10 million kids outdoors over the next three years!
October 26, 2012Children & Nature Network News & Commentary | |
News & Resources Quarterly Updates from the Natural Teachers Network Share and learn from other “Natural Teachers” by joining the NTN group and adding to the discussion. We hope to see you all on C&NN Connect.
[+] Join the Natural Teachers Network Every Child Needs Nature Where They Live, Learn and Play:
10 Great Examples + 10 Reasons Why. Oct 09, 2012 04:23 pm | Herb Broda
Natural Teachers Network showcases innovative outdoor learning projects and programs. Here are a few of our favorites to help inspire and guide your next outdoor learning adventure. Please add to the discussion, let us know what you’re doing to transform education by connecting children with nature. 10 Innovative Nature-Centric Projects & Programs for Your Students 1. Move Your Classroom Outdoors 10 Reasons To Take Your Students Outside
Oct 09, 2012 03:10 pm | Tamra Willis
We all care about the well-being of our students and want to provide a positive environment in which students are healthy and motivated and learning content in creative ways. Every educational setting, whether urban or rural, has such a place ‘¦ outdoors. 10 Reasons To Take Your Students Outside 1. Nature is everywhere! read more
Research and Resources
Children’s classroom behavior is better if they have recess. School gardens positively impact children’s learning and behavior. Natural views from high school positively impact students’ academic achievement and behavior. [+] Read the C&NN report INTERACT WITH YOUR PEERS.