Job opening – part time naturalist at Sharon Woods Metro Park (north of Columbus)
July 17, 2009Nominate someone for the Growing to Green Awards
July 21, 2009OK, after much surveying, discussing and compromising, we’ve come up with the following schedule:
Note that in EVEN months, the meetings are in the EVENING.
In ODD months, meetings are in the early morning. This is to accommodate as many people as possible. Even within the Steering Committee, we have pretty complex schedules, so this helps us, too.
For those of you who keep a digital calendar, you can set the first two meetings and have them repeat every other month, and you should be set!
All meetings will take place at Le Chatelaine on High Street in Worthington (US 23).
July 23
8-9 a.m.
Aug 27
7-8:30 p.m.
Sept. 24
8-9 a.m.
Oct. 22
7-8:30 p.m.
November’s meeting falls on Thanksgiving. No meeting.
December’s meeting falls on Christmas Eve. No meeting.