Take a Child Outside Week 9/24-9/30
September 12, 2008The 101 Alternatives to the Chalkboard” 2008 Educators’ Conference
September 19, 2008This is such exciting news!
Thanks to everyone who wrote or called U.S. Rep Pryce and U.S. Rep Tiberi.
The No Child Left Inside Act, which would encourage and provide funding for environmental education in our schools, has passed the U.S. House!
The Collaborative worked very hard on this issue, meeting with Rep. Pryce’s staff in person and also sending several sets of letters and emails on behalf of our membership.
The bill will now go to the U.S. Senate. The Collaborative already has a letter from U.S. Sen. Voinovich expressing support for the issue. We will be sure to reconnect with both our U.S. Senators in the near future.
For details on the progress of the bill, check here. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/D?d110:1:./temp/~bdVntV:@@@L&summ2=m&|/bss/110search.html|
Interestingly, Rep. Pryce was not present for the vote, but Rep. Tiberi did support the bill.
Don’t forget, the summit is in ONE WEEK! We are expecting 125 people! Amazing!
We do still have a few opportunities for sponsors, if your organization would like more visibility. Contact Alice at alice@alicehohl.com.
Thank you!